Talent first !
iPepper offers Talents assignments in line with their values and aspirations. Talents are our priority beneficiaries; they choose their assignments, their employment contract (permanent, freelance, portage) and their place of work (remote or not, in our villas or in innovation hubs for networkers).
Talents want to work on high-impact projects
According to a study carried out by the Pepper Group in 2022, Talent looking for a job will look first and foremost at the character and nature of the assignments. The company will be judged in part on the quality and diversity of its assignments.
iPepper focuses exclusively on companies offering assignments that are meaningful to its Talents. Ambitious projects in which our Talents can develop to the full.

Talent has aspirations
Our study also highlighted the attraction Talents have for their aspirations. They are an integral part of the conditions for their assignments. Their vision of the future, of what the world will be like for them, their aspirations. Talents want to work on assignments that speak to them and are in line with their values.
iPepper is a fertile breeding ground for the aspirations of its Talents. With actions driven by our values and our desire for success for all, iPepper offers its Talents the chance to go to work with a smile on their face and the desire to do their best.
Talents demand it, iPepper makes it possible!

Talents want to find a work-life balance
Talents of all ages and genders revealed in our survey that work-life balance is of paramount importance to them. Work and leisure no longer have to be mutually exclusive, on the contrary.
This work-life balance is achieved in part through the arrangements that companies offer their talent.
iPepper offers flexibility in terms of place of work and type of contract.